Sam Metzger

My name is Sam Metzger, and I am taking ECO 201 because it is a required course for a business degree. While a business degree is practical, I am not at all passionate about it, so I am considering changing my direction. I look forward to learning valuable information regardless of whether or not I continue pursuing business.

This is the first accelerated course I have taken in my four semesters at Red Rocks, so naturally I'm a bit nervous about completing everything on time. I'm currently unemployed, so I have plenty of spare time, but I'm also taking three other online classes and looking for a full-time job. As long as I manage my time well, I shouldn't have much trouble.

I spend my free time reading, playing video games, watching shows, or sleeping. I am a huge fan of Sims, Fallout, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed, and all things Ellen Hopkins. Animals are a vital part of my life, and my personal zoo includes large reptiles and hairless cats.

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