Good Life Nature Activity at FLMNH By: melissa mikush

Nature on Display

One of the highlights from my tour of the Florida Museum of Nature History was the Butterfly exhibit. By seeing how many people were in the exhibit, I could tell that this particular exhibit was most people's favorite. The weather was overcast when I went, so it was the perfect time to see the butterflies clearly. I found the design of this exhibit to be appealing, because I love nature and it reminded me of going on a hike. There was a direct path that allowed my friends and I to take our time while viewing the butterflies. Also, we were lucky enough to arrive right at 2 when the daily butterfly release was happening, so we were able to witness hundreds of butterflies being released into the exhibit. Seeing different types of butterflies in person made me realize how small of a bubble I've been living in. For example, I have just seen pictures of butterflies online, but being able to see these butterflies in person made me realize how big our world really is. Although seeing all the different exhibits was still really amazing, walking through this one was the most appealing and my experience was enhanced because I toured the museum with my closest friends.

This was the releasing of the butterflies.

Nature and Ethics

As I went through this museum, I noticed that I appreciated all the nature more than I did before when I came as a child. My whole family is a huge hiking family so we all love nature and seeing different species and animals. Being able to see different types of frogs was really interesting because like the butterflies, it shows you how large our world is. There was a good majority of families who were touring the museum the same time as me and I got to witness the joy on children's faces when they toured the frog museum. The whole museum allowed everyone to connect with nature more because of how open everything was. The butterflies were not confined to a specific spot and there were multiple frogs in all the displays instead of just one.

Nature and Human Spirit

The Natural History Museum allowed me and my friends to escape the reality of college and allowed us to put our stress and worries aside. As you can tell in the photo of me and my good friend, Felicia, we decided to take a funny picture next to the enormous jaw bones and pretend to be eaten. Although this assignment was for school, it was still a really enjoyable experience. While touring the museum, I did not once think about my classwork or upcoming exams and I am grateful for being able to step out of my ordinary life for a moment. Like I said in the previous sections, by observing the amounts of frogs and butterflies on display, it showed me how much the world has to offer. The Florida Museum of Natural History gave me a much bigger appreciation of the mysterious and majestic world surrounding us everyday.

All photos were taken by me, and everyone shown in my photographs have given me written consent.

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