Institutions Grace marchant

Production, distribution, exhibition and regulation are the four stages of the release of any film. These stages are done by media institutions and are a part of the development and release of media text. A media institution is an organisation involved in the production, distribution, exhibition and/or regulation of a media text.

Production- This is the initial phase. The producer is introduced in this part, they will go to a distribution company with an idea for a film and pitch it to them. They will have a developed script, choose a direction, and decided on a cast and crew. Usually producers of horror films have a low, sometimes miniscule, budget, which maximize profits and make the genre one of the most lucrative in the business. "The Purge cost $3 million and made almost $65 million domestically, including a record-busting $34 million opening weekend."

Production companies who release horror films: -BenderSpink, Blumhouse productions, circle of confusion. Our production company Is called EGO PRODUCTIONS , our film is Called Lola.

Distribution companies- These are large institutions which fund films, they can either be Major companies such as Warner bros., Disney, Paramount. They could also be major/minors such as Lions Gate, Paramount, Sony. Our film would be distributed by a major/minor distribution company, this is because our film appeals to a niche audience and doesn't rely on star power, however it does have a stereotypical representation of how men want a perfect woman, and its mainly to entertain. A distribution company can also be Independent and are sometimes owned by conglomerate Hollywood, Sony Pictures classics.

Exhibition- our film would be exhibited in cinemas to reach a wide audience, it would be shown in small cinemas which show films aimed at niche audiences, however it will also be shown for a short time in mainstream cinemas. This is to reach a mass audience.

Regulation- The regulations are set out by the BBFC. Our film would be an 18 certificate this is because it has a strong focus on sexual threat which is unacceptable for a 15.


Created with images by LeWeb14 - "Audience @ LeWeb 11 Les Docks-9317" • annca - "popcorn cinema ticket"

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