The emerging role of the bishop By:Andres Purpuro

Early Church

Most local churches were small and resembled modern day parishes. In the early Church, bishops preserved the unity of the local churches with the universal Church through gathering regionally in episcopal synods. At the synods, the bishops addressed questions of common concern. They addressed things such as to respond to threats of a schismatic group known as Montanists

Second Vatican Council

The Second Vatican Council reemphasized the bishop’s role as teacher and pastor confirmed through the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders.The college of bishops exists for the purpose of preserving the unity of the universal Church. The whole college shares with the pope authority over the whole Church. This is known as the doctrine of episcopal collegiality.

Archdiocese of Miami

Peter Baldacchino is Miamis 10th auxiliary bishop. Peter was born in Sliema, Malta, Dec. 5, 1960 and ordained to the priesthood To the priesthood, May 25, 1996, for the Archdiocese of Newark, N.J.Archbishop Wenski, born in West Palm Beach on October 18, 1950 grew up in Lake Worth, Florida where he attended Catholic school at his home parish, Sacred Heart. He was appointed auxiliary bishop June 24, 1997.

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