Q. Patrick Owen B- nOv. 27, 2016

George Segal. DOB- Nov. 26, 1924. Born in NYC, NY. DOD- June 9, 2000. Died in New Brunswick, NJ.

George's birthplace, NYC.
Although George was born in NYC, he didn't live there long. He grew up in Newbrunswick so here's a picture of it. His parents owned a poultry farm here so that's why they moved.
Goerge began as an artist but he eventually started sculptures which was what he was most famous for, his life-size figures. This one is called The Bus Driver.

Segal's works

Blue Girl on Park Bench. This was made in 1980. It's dimensions are 51 x 72.5 x 46 in. It's currently located in the Rockefeller Plaza in New York.
Three Figures and Four Benches. This was made in 1979. It's dimensions are 52 x 144 x 58 in. It's located in New Orleans.
The Holocaust. This was made in 1982. It's dimensions are 10 x 12 x 14 ft. It's located in San Fransisco at the Holocaust Museum.
The Tar Roofer. It was created in 1964. It's dimensions are 87 x 84 x 96 in. It's located in NYC under the George and Helen Segal Foundation.
The Diner. It was made in 1966. It's dimension are 93.75 x 144.25 x 96 in. It's located in the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis.

Critique Section

Description - plaster sculptures, concrete wall, wood, barbed wire, sticks and rocks, white, and very dark red.

Analyze- I see use of line in the used in the sculptures and the barbed wire fence. The sculptures are laying horizontally, showing death, except for one who is standing looking into the distance. I see shape showing the figures to be very still and somber. I see texture in everything in the artwork, and to me it shows soft surfaces on the figures but rough on the walls, ground, and fence. I see space in the figures on the ground and it shows that they were a group and died together or were thrown in a pile. I don't see value.

Inerpretation- I think Segal wanted to give a surreal and sobering knowledge of the significance of the holocaust. Since it was a major part in the word's history and is a sensitive piece I think it was a good thing to recreate.

Judgment- this was created during the civil rights movement. This might've influenced how he made it because since we were "more free" it give him the ability to interpret this how he wanted to and gave him the ability to recreate it without being criticized as much. I personally would not purchase this to keep in my home. I wouldn't because to me it just gives off negative and sad vibes of something in the past that doesn't effect me too greatly. It's created very well I think but I also wouldn't buy it because it's so bland with no color but I do think it gives a deep feeling with the man staring off when several of people he was possibly close with were right behind him murdered.

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