Music It's What feelings Sound Like

Carl Brunsdon playing the saxophone
Carl Brunsdon playing the alto saxophone and the baritone saxophone during the same song.

Brit Floyd is a band that plays all the same music as Pink Floyd, but in my opinion much better. i have gone to 4 Brit Floyd shows in the last 3 years. I find their music very relaxing and it's easy to sit back and enjoy. Carl Brunsdon, who plays saxophone for the band along with percussion, inspired me to play the saxophone. He plays all 3 saxophones during one show. Even though he didn't write the music, he preforms it better than the originals but the way he articulates. One of my favorites he plays is "Us and Them." I'm not anywhere close to how he plays but I enjoy it, and I thank him and Brit Floyd not only for their entertainment but inspiration.


Created with images by schuetz-mediendesign - "saxophone music gold"

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