A DECEMBER to Remember Your last fitness newsletter of 2016... better late then never!



First, sincerest apologies for the lateness of my newsletter- it's been a busy month! The holidays are just around the bend, but more great fitness information is to come in January!

"Old Marley was as dead as a doornail"

Marley was Just trying to get scrooge to workout...

Just a note for you to remember- as it turns cold and dreary, not all is lost! There are many wonderful outdoor activities that take advantage of the snow and keep you active- ice skating, snow shoeing, skiing, shoveling...Ok, maybe not that last one; but, it does burn calories! Many local parks and healthy heart trails are perfect spots for some of the activities listed above, not to mention the Frog Pond, or open skate sessions at a local rink. But, if this time of year is driving you inside- we're here to help! Let's make sure your fitness goals are realistic and ready to go in the new year! Are there new classes you'd like to try? Are you looking to come in an extra day during the week? If you feel like you've plateaued in your fitness, perhaps it's time to re-vamp! Let's get a re-organized plan going to be sure you can achieve those goals! So let's chat to make sure we're on the same page.

Spin Power 1/5 @ 7-8:15am

I'll be running an additional "Spin Power" Demo class on Thursday January 5th at 7-8:15am. The workout will include an off-bike warm-up, proper set up of bikes, an explanation of how to use the bike's computer, a Personal Spinning Threshold Test (PST), and a core/stretching component at the end of the workout. These demo classes are appropriate for all levels who would like a way to track improvements for performance and weight management!

Why Train with Power?

The Spinner® Blade ION™ bike was designed to track real power-a rider's true effort. The SPINPower technology provides riders with real-time measurements of how hard they are working, which allows them to measure progress and learn which fitness variables they need to change to gain greater training efficiency and see results. Calories are also accurately calculated to help you manage nutrition for weight loss and energy demands.

A Personal Spinning Threshold Test (PST) will create customized training zones and post-ride data analysis so riders can monitor and evaluate progress, gauge workout intensity and compare results over time.

Mini 4-wk Winter ERG

Back to Basics- Wed 6:30-7:30pm

Maintain Don't Gain- Sat 9-10am (Dec. 17, 31, and Jan 7th only)

Come join me for some energizing workouts that will keep you focused, burning calories, and building muscle through the holiday season! These workouts are also great to help reduce stress- a much needed activity for this time of year! Bring along your friends and family or members new to the ERG experience- it's a great time to try new things. :)

Battle winter like this Buffalo- don't let it get you down! Do an ERG!

Coming in January...

Both my ERGs will be renamed "F.I.T.T Training"- hope to see you there!

Enjoy some Healthier Cookie Recipes to get you through!

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