McDonald's case study


McDonalds: double cheeseburger $2.06

Cheeseburger $1.99

Burger King: Double cheeseburger $1.69

Cheeseburger $1.00

Mcdonalds and Burger king locations: online and local and international

McDonalds promotions: McPick 2 and use app to get deals

Burger King: 2 for $10 whopper meal and 2 for $4 breakfast


McDonalds: app

cheaper than competitor

Burger king: moderate different products than competitor

Strong brand image


McDonalds: unhealthy foods

employees don't take the job seriously

Burger King: more expensive than competitor

limited product mix

Threats for both: Competitors and unhealthy foods


McDonalds: Premium products in some locations and restaurants in underdeveloped nations

Burger King: Product mix widening and service quality improvement

McDonalds is the better choice


Created with images by JeepersMedia - "McDonald's" • TBIT - "dollar bank note money" • JeepersMedia - "McDonald's"

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