St Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas Day is celebrated in the Netherlands and also in Germany, France, Belgium, and Austria so on December 5 and sixth. This is what they do for Saint Nicholas Day.

Some things they do on Saint Nicholas day are at night they get ready and lay their shoes in front of the fire place or at the door then the next day they are filled with percents. They even have parades where people dress as "Black peter" and a man dresses as St Nicholas or called as Sinterklaas.

You might be thinking that its a lot like Christmas well it is because they are also celebrating the Christ and what he did for Sinterklaas because Sinterklaas liked helping children and being around them he asked the Christ to have a day where people give but not to be selfish and want. What they do differently is not having a Christmas tree they us there shoes but they still get percents they don't have reindeer they don't have elf's but they have Zwarte Piet and Sinterklaas has a white horse.

Why they celebrate is because it's their religion they celebrate the Christ and Sinterklaas for helping Sinterklaas to have the day they have and they can have a time to be with there family.

For meal's they have pork with mustard apples.
They wear wooden shoes, have big frizzy wigs and paint their body's black.

work cited

"St. Nicholas Center ::: Netherlands." St. Nicholas Center ::: Netherlands. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2016.

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