Follett Destiny: The Online Library Catalog & Our New Discovery! ~Melissa foster ~ SJA Media Specialist~

What is Follett Destiny?

  • Follett Destiny is our library manager, which lists all of the materials that are available to our students, parents & teachers!
  • You can access Destiny from ALL of our computers, Chrome notebooks and now through an app!
  • It is simply a way for us to track, organize, create accountability and assist our students as they become 21st century learners!

Why Destiny?

  • Destiny is the leading library management system for K-12 schools worldwide.
  • Cataloging, searching, inventory, and reports are all done with ease!
  • This system is designed to help students & teachers alike!
  • Access is available through ANY web browser with free mobile apps to support our BYOD activities and any 1:1 initiatives.
  • PLEASE take advantage of this tool, and remember anytime you have questions Jackie & I are here to help!

How do I login?

Login is simple, here is my homescreen and you can see the Destiny Library icon with the orange check! This is on ALL of the computers in your classrooms, our computer lab and your students are very familiar with using this site!

Once you login, you will see the following screen.

You can begin your search by keyword, title, author or subject. NOTE: I am still waiting on our Technology Coordinator to add Destiny Discover to our page, I am praying she has this done next week because I will be presenting this during April/May! I went ahead and put my Destiny Discover in here because I will be talking about that specifically, but the teachers need a refresher because many of them have never even logged in!(even though I did send out a step by step manual on how to do so:-) I am sure there will be other things added as I continue to learn this program.

Do you remember how to search?

Here is a video (a refresher I hope) reviewing ways to search in Destiny.

Now that we've reviewed our basics, let me share with you a "DISCOVERY" we found this year, which will make Destiny part of our everyday use in classrooms and at home!


Destiny Discover 14.5

  • The collections include: audiobooks, links, interactive e-books, e-books, browse by topic and lightbox.
  • Students & parents will be able to log into their accounts to manage their checkouts, holds, bookshelves and late fees.
  • Students are currently allowed to check out up to 2 books, they will ALSO be able to check out up to 2 e-books, our standard checkout is 2 weeks. The e-books are AUTOMATICALLY returned to the virtual shelf upon due date.
  • Students are able to search books, digital, databases and open educational resources in Destiny Discover which greatly expands their research capability for our STREAM initiative.
  • Students are able to place books on hold and see real time updates.
  • I encourage you to play around in Destiny Discover, Jackie & I are still learning the new system and are always here to help answer any questions you may have.
  • We can now set up BiblioNasium in Destiny Discover, not sure what BiblioNasium the video below! ***PERHAPS this is one of my most EXCITING things to share with you all today!***
  • After watching that video who else is EXCITED to get started with BiblioNasium?
  • I will work with all of the students to teach them how to use this additional program.
  • Please make sure (when we launch) that you are mentioning these NEW additions on your Schoolspeak homepage, newsletters and when conferencing!

Destiny Discover App

Jackie & I will host a parent night to go over this new information with parents as well as students. We ENCOURAGE you to attend as well! Jackie will have the app downloaded to all Chrome notebooks. Teachers if you would like access to these e-books please see Jackie or simply download the app to your phone, you all have accounts and are able to check out books as well!

  • Destiny Discover App lets you read any Follett e-books on nearly any device!
  • There are no flash requirements.
  • As a way to promote student organization the app provides the student with a notebook for note-taking.
  • While offline the student still has the ability to access his/her notes and highlights in the book.
  • There is support for text to speech in the app.
  • This can be a very useful tool in your classroom, supporting your BYOD days and any 1:1 initiatives in your classrooms as well.


We're all on the same TEAM!
Created By
Melissa Foster


Created with images by Mimzy - "back to school pencils rainbow" • Pexels - "bookcase books data" • Devanath - "school old plate" • JogiBaer2 - "Post-It" • sophiea - "school" • PublicDomainPictures - "artistic bright color"

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