Thomas Jefferson Final Project

I think Thomas Jefferson's greatest accomplishment is being the author of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was chosen by the committee to write the Declaration of Independence. This is Thomas Jefferson's greatest accomplishment because this document that he wrote declared America's independence from Britain.

Thomas Jefferson ran for president two times the first time he lost to John Adams and Thomas Jefferson became the vice President. The second time he ran he for President tied Andrew Burr and it was up to the House of Representatives to choose who will be the next President. The House of Representatives in the end chose Thomas Jefferson to be the third President of the United States of America.

The technology Thomas Jefferson had, and the technology we have now is very different. Thomas Jefferson would probably love all of the new technology, especially making gardening and studying the weather a lot easier. I think Thomas Jefferson would like studying the weather more than the gardening. I think this because Thomas Jefferson would probably want to live in the city with lots of people around, other than living in the country with no one around.

I think Thomas Jefferson would be really into farming with all of the new technology. I think this because he wouldn't have to do as much work and he loved gardening when he was alive. Also, I think he will love studying the weather and global warming. The reason that I think this is because he loves the weather and global warming is a big theory people have for why the world is getting warmer.


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