The Book Thief Themes Chloe Gamard

Theme 1: With Courage, you will DARE to take Risks

"With courage, you will dare to take risks, have strength to be compassionate and the wisdom to be humble" -Mark Twain

"Liesel moved in. The heat was still strong enough to warm her when she stood at the foot of the ash heap. When she reached her hand in, she was bitten, but on the second attempt, she made sure she was fast enough. She latched onto the closest of the books. It was hot, but it was also wet, burned only at the edges, but otherwise unhurt"(Zusak 120).

""Hey!" That was when she nearly ran back and tossed the book onto the mound, but she was unable. The only movement at her disposal was the act of turning. "There are some things here that didn't burn!" It was one of the cleanup men. He was not facing the girl, but rather, the people standing by the town hall" (Zusak 120).

"To the side of the collection of silhouettes, another one stood, a few meters removed, and Liesel realized two things, 1. The shadows identity and 2. The fact that it had seen everything" (Zusak 121).

The fact that Liesel went in and grabbed the book from the pile of ashes, and that she lied and hid the book when someone asked, shows that she has a lot of courage. She could've been in danger if someone were to see her steal the book and hide it. Liesel was very lucky that the unknown silhouette in the background said nothing about her stealing the book. This shows that Liesel has a lot of courage to get what she wants and is willing to take risks.

This article depicts how many people regret it, if they don't ever take risks. They overthink and get over dramatic about the consequences that are going to happen if they take risks. That's why so many people play it safe, they keep their mouth shut, keep their heads down, and just stand there and do nothing. You are actually more capable than you think. Fear regret more than failure.

Theme 2:Thievery is a form of self-actualization

"One was a book thief, the other stole the sky."

"Liesel heaved herself onto the ledge and tussled her way inside" (Zusak 288).

"Her eyes scanned the room and she could see The Whistler, sitting patiently on the mayor's desk. Liesel walked over, picked up the book, and made her way cautiously out" (Zusak 288).

"Or maybe there was a woman on Grande Strasse who now kept her library window open for another reason--but that's just me being cynical, or hopeful. Or both" (Zusak 328).

Liesel's thievery is a form of self-actualization. By stealing a book from a book burning in the previous chapters, she defies Nazi censorship and takes her education into her own hands. When Ilsa offers Liesel a book, Liesel refuses it because she is enraged at Ilsa for firing Liesel's mother Rosa. Liesel breaks into Ilsa's home and steals the same book, later stealing others. Ilsa realizes what Liesel has done and she decides to "help" Liesel steal from her library by leaving her window open and placing books in visible locations. Ilsa is an encouraging figure who desires to help Liesel continue to read, even if it must be on Liesel's terms.

In the article, it talks about how self actualization represents growth in an individual. They want to fulfill their highest needs, mainly those for meaning of life. The theory tells us that self-actualizing individuals, are able to resolve a conflict such as that reflected in the ultimate contrary of free-will and determinism. They are also believed to be highly creative individuals. Some are like this due to safety, or the needs for security and protection, especially those that emerge from social or political instability, or belonging and love including, the needs of deficiency and selfish taking instead of giving.

Theme 3: Suffering is made from the loss of a love one, but makes you stonger

"Pain and suffering are the soil of strength and courage." -Lurlene Mcdaniel

"I witness the ones that are left behind, crumbled among the jigsaw puzzles of realization, despair, and surprise. They have punctured hearts. They have beaten lungs" (Zusak 22).

From death's point of view, living with the loss of a loved one is much worse than dying. Another example would be Liesel losing her younger brother and her mother. The loss of her brother causes great suffering. Being forced to leave her mother on the same day she loses her brother makes her feel utter dismay. It also seems to create empathy and prepares her to understand Max suffering. But, because of these sufferings, is what makes us strong.

This article talks about how the Buddha shows that there is a value behind suffering. Suffering is created from losing something or someone important to you. The Buddha, tells us that suffering brings illumination and clarity. The article also tells us how suffering is a privilege. It moves us toward thinking about essential things. They believe that you should pay for suffering and proves a hidden blessing.

Created By
Chloe Gamard


Created with images by jarmoluk - "apple education school" • zenjazzygeek - "Courage" • jarmoluk - "old books book old" • Anemone123 - "desperate sad depressed"

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