The Creation of the Holy Roman Empire By:Devon MEdleY


Clovis takes power by force.

He recruited the franks.

Clovis wins the franks there own home.

Clovis became a christian on the battlefield because he was losing the battle.

Became king at age 15

Pepin the short

The Pope anointed pepin the short as king

Charles Martel was succeeded as Mayor of the Palace by his son Pepin, often called Pepin the Short.

Pepin the Short successfully removed the Lombards from Rome and gave their lands to the Pope.


Charlemagne's mother was called "Bigfoot Bertha". This was a compliment at the time meaning that she had attractive long and narrow feet.

The reign of Charlemagne is sometimes called the "Carolingian renaissance”

Charlemagne was also known as Charles the Great or King Charles I.

Charlemagne founded both the French and the German monarchies. His nickname is the "Father of Europe".


Created with images by Stifts- och landsbiblioteket i Skara - "Clovis" • sybarite48 - "Jargeau (Loiret)" • CircaSassy - "A brief history of mediæval and modern peoples (1899)"

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