Is this the Good Life? Cassidy Mandelbaum

Nature on Display

Rivers' Edge Exhibit

The Northwest Florida Waterways section of the museum was not only eye-catching and interesting but also really engaging and dynamic. This expansive and interesting exhibit brings to life the large and beautiful trees of Northwest Florida. Being able to stand amidst the trees is a great way to experience the ecosystem and learning about the environment. The display was incredibly impactful and carried a lot of information.

Nature and Ethics

Seepage Bog Preservation Exhibit

This exhibit about the benefits of preservation and specifically about seepage bog's effects on the environment. These panels called for our protection, and the adjacent three-dimensional depiction of such a bog brought the ecosystem to life and made it, and the problem of its conservation, real and personal for the visitor. The info-panels in conjunction with the environmental display made for a fantastic impact.

Nature and the Human Spirit

Nature and the circle of life are eternal. Butterflies are a perfect representation of that metamorphosis and that circle of life, death, and growth. The natural beauty of the world can be found there as well, it is a simple and elegant pleasure in watching the butterflies, and they encourage us to stop and experience the forest around us in a way that we would otherwise pass through. To pay attention to and inspect every leaf, branch, and rock for the possibility that there may be another butterfly there. Another small spot of beauty and magic in an otherwise ordinary world. But while searching for these beautiful creatures, we come to find that the world around us is not bland at all. There are other beautiful things around us, our surroundings themselves are beautiful. Such is life.


All Me :)

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