Dolphin Republic TV Show Concept bringing Both inventOrs and the public to a state of INSPIRATION and innovation.

The Dolphin Republic

Show Concept Overview

So you are an entrepreneur... you have a brilliant idea. In fact – it’s an idea that might change the world. Ok… so let's take it to the world and find out! Welcome to the Republic!


Let us introduce you to Dolphin Republic. In this new hybrid reality show, Crowd funding meets Crowd Involvement. Dolphin Republic is based on the idea that The Democratization of Opportunity and Profit creates a citizenry of innovation and investors to change the world one invention at a time. It also proves the market viability of the products and services in the process.

We will launch aspiring and inspiring entrepreneurs and inventors who want to change the world for the better. They will present their ideas to a TV audience whom we call citizens of the republic. A panel of experts from various industries and educational institutions will help validating the inventions, with the winners being determined by the viewers of the show. Audience members will be able to participate directly by crowd funding, investing, their favorite inventions as well as getting directly involved with the product refinement while promoting them with social media and following the progress of inventors as their ideas become reality. In other words, the citizens of the republic become part of the collaboration process to make it a success.

Meet An Inventor.

Meet Andre.

He works at a radio station as a production engineer. In his spare time, he plays around with antennas and electronics. He even teaches a course on it at a local community college.

Meet A Dolphin Citizen.

Meet Catarina.

Catarina is a full time single mom and a full time graphic designer and copy writer for a creative agency in London. She also volunteers her skills to help a number of global NPO's.

After a long day at work and getting her kids settled into bed, Catarina decided to relax while watching her favorite new show Dolphin Republic. Not only was she intrigued by the amazing inventions and the collaborative spirit embodied in the nature of the program, it was a nice change of pace from all the negativity around the world to witness a program focusing on bettering society and making positive changes.

Compelled to act, Catarina had turned on her tablet, navigated to the Dolphin Republic website and cast her vote for Andre's amazing invention. She also decided to invest 50 euros to the effort by clicking on the crowd fund link. She also notified all her friends through social media and elected to receive updates on the progress of the invention over the weeks and months to come.

Later as she lay in bed, Catarina fell asleep content that she was able to play a part in making a positive change in the world but yearning to do more. That night her dreams were filled with ideas she had nearly forgotten about after her husband died. The next morning she awoke to find herself obsessed with doing something with those ideas.

The next day Catarina called her close friend Jonathan to tell him about the show. “Wow, these folks aren’t just interested in making money. They are interested in making a difference in the places they live around the world! These inventors thrive on important issues like saving our environment, using science and technology to better our lives and helping people realize their true potential. I want to get involved and be a part of that. In fact I think I am going to dust off my old ideas and see what I can do with them.”

Catarina told Jonathan that she was particularly interested in an invention that promised to change how cell phones were charged. She could imagine a world where technology was used to reduce power consumption, decrease the carbon footprint and get rid of those pesky, expensive power cables once and for all! But what really inspired her is how Andre the inventor, Wanted to take his technology and use it to bring free power to the poor in underdeveloped nations all around the world. That was something that struck a chord in her heart. She had visited some villages in Burundi a couple of years ago on a humanitarian trip and was enamored with the people there. Andre's invention could make a huge impact opening up all kinds of opportunities for adults and children alike who have little access to electricity in many villages.

The Power of Authentic Story and Meaningful Involvement

The Power of This example story is that it can happen. Our goal is empower, inspire and support all the efforts of all our fellow Dolphin Republic citizens to become part of one another's stories. By doing so they will naturally become its part of a larger story that can and will change the world one invention at a time. What this is really about is people. We believe that people are endowed with immense potential to do great things when given the right environment and unfettered access to the tools and resources to collaboratively work together for common interests. The Dolphin Republic TV show is part of a much bigger vision for making a difference in a world that desperately needs to see it is still possible.

Dolphin CitizensUnite!

The Show Ethos:

Good ideas become great ideas when they are allowed to flourish in the proper setting. In business that proper setting is a great team who believes in making good ideas into great ideas and is committed to making great ideas become a greater reality. This takes vision, experience, expertise, and lots of hard teamwork. The process of doing that is what we call the Dolphin Way. This is why we were inspired to bring together experts from around the world to take good ideas and make them into great ideas and then take great ideas and make them become reality in the real world. These we call the dolphins. These dolphins will be there as a community to help inventors take their ideas to reality. Additionally all viewers who get involved are welcomed into the republic as dolphin citizens.

Why We Call it the Dolphin Republic?

Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals and are part of the family of toothed whales that includes orcas and pilot whales. They are found worldwide. There are many tales of dolphins protecting and even rescuing human beings at sea. Studies have shown that by using their sonar they can discern human babies in mothers wombs and show remarkable gentleness in such circumstances.

Dolphin Behavior.

Dolphins are well known for their agility and playful behavior, making them a favorite of wildlife watchers (or TV Viewers). Many species will leap out of the water, spy-hop (rise vertically out of the water to view their surroundings) and follow ships, often synchronizing their movements with one another. Scientists believe that dolphins conserve energy by swimming alongside ships, a practice known as bow riding.

They are Social Creatures.

Dolphins live in social groups of five to several hundred. They use echolocation to find prey and often hunt together by surrounding a school of fish, trapping them and taking turns swimming through the school and catching fish. Dolphins will also follow seabirds, other whales and fishing boats to feed opportunistically on the fish they scare up or discard. Being so social group focused, it should not be a shock that they also are very protective of one another at times to fighting off sharks to protect an injured member of their community. They live in a global collaborative republic of a sorts. You see its all about community and working together to do something you believe in that sustains and edifices the community. We believe that the dolphin represents the collaborative community which birthed crowd funding and other similar socio-economic and charity focused versions.

What will the Dolphin Ocean TV Show like?

Imagine broadcasting a live multimedia experience that brings together elements of Crowd funding campaign websites punctuated by TEDTalks. Then throw in a panelist based talk show combined with an interactive inspiring personal interest story driven reality show. Then wrap the it all up in a motivating, exciting, entertaining and educational weekly show that flows like a rock concert.

The Show Participants:

  1. The entrepreneur or inventor - to present a new business or invention. They are vetted by an audience process that validates their idea and prepares them for their appearance on the show.
  2. The mentors/experts panel - people from universities, r and d institutions and other experts from the industry who question and validate the concept so the audience fully understands what is being presented.
  3. The moderator/presenter - to introduce all players and moderate the discussion between the entrepreneur and the mentors/experts.
  4. The audience - that will assist and decide concepts for participation and investment.
  5. The auditor - to ensure transparency in the whole process.

How the experts mentor the inventors:

  • Five experts: one from the industry; two from academic; two from research and Development. The experts are not fixed. They are invited accordingly to the concept being presented.
  • The role of the experts is to evaluate the presenter’s proposal from a technical and feasibility point of view.
  • There will be unbiased questions aiming to help the audience understand the concept and its feasibility.
  • Entrepreneur will present their idea, product or service concept; each expert panelist will have 5 minutes for their questions and answers.

How The Show Flows

● Show Introduction:

The show begins with a high-energy intro showing dolphins swimming in a group and leaping out of the water (or with the famous footage of dolphins hunting making a circle of mud or bubbles around the fish) with a narrative talking about how dolphins work in community and crowd source their sustenance.

o Introduction to each episode’s experts

  • Nano video profiles are used to introduce each expert.

o A quick overview of the rules - the audience is the judge, voting for and investing in the products and inventors they like.

  1. Role of the experts
  2. Role of the audience
  3. Role of the auditor
  4. Transparency by investment

● Inventor Pitch Segment ONE

  • Micro biographical segment in a documentary style on the inventor.
  • Inventor introduced by show host.
  • Inventor gives pitch (TED talk format)
  • Audience Participation and Voting while host walks inventor to expert lounge area which looks like a hip rustic industrial themed coffee shop setting.

● Expert Panel Talk show Interview Style Part 1

o The inventor and the experts sit down in a comfortable lounge setting to have a conversation about the invention. This personal and more relaxed setting creates an intimacy with both the experts and the inventors. The host would guide the conversation between the participants. Questions and Answers: TV and online audience (Dolphin Republic Citizens).

● Tales of the Republic: Modular Rotating Edutainment Segment Break1

o example one: Swimming with the Great Inventors: Forefathers of the Republic:

  • Short segments on the lives of great innovators, and inventors, and products and services. This would add more inspiring and educational elements to the show.

o example two: Inspirational Segment:

  • Short segments showing how dolphins are making a difference working together to create solutions to address the needs of their communities.

● Expert Panel Talk Show Interview Style Part2

o Questions and Answers: TV and online audience (Dolphin Republic Citizens).

● Tales of the Republic: Modular Rotating Edutainment Segments Break 2

End of first show half.

● Second half of show repeats the format of the first half.

● Show Wrap Up and Preview

o The Show host will narrate the Wrap up by displaying the Show results on a screen in the stage backdrop and will show total audience investment by the following:

  • Inventor Name or Company
  • Total potential buyers by product / invention
  • Questions posted by the audience, by COMPANY, from a moderated forum running parallel with the show online at the Dolphin Republic website.
  • Suggestions passing by in the screen, organized by COMPANY

● The Call to Action: The show ends with a recap of that episode’s inventors and their inventions and gives the audience members a call to action...

So who would be a good fit for being on the show? Well here are some more examples.

© 2015 Miguel Reynolds and Max Daves All Rights Reserved

Created with images by Christopher.Michel - "Our Fair Share of Hipsters! Love SF" • myyorgda - "truss" • tranmautritam - "smart phone iphone phone" • JeepersMedia - "Cell Phone Antenna Tower Blue Sky #CellPhoneTower #CellPhoneAntenna #CreativeCommons pics by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel and JeepersMedia on YouTube." • ^Joe - "Phones phones phones.." • asgw - "Work time" • equinoxefr - "Charging internal battery with solar panel" • James Khoo - "Poor Villages" • Matt From London - "TAM London audience" • robertstinnett - "Lights, Camera, Action!" • allaboutgeorge - "Audience" • Creativity103 - "concert crowd blur" • emdot - "couch" • Plutor - "Watching the Inauguration" • Gabriel GM - "The Lausanne Guide" • HerryLawford - "London" • C G-K - "Morning Coffee" • steffy. - "quote #33" • jurvetson - "African Schoolroom" • Gabriel GM - "The Lausanne Guide" • CarbonNYC - "Guy Talk" • Gabriel GM - "The Lausanne Guide" • Christopher.Michel - "Our Fair Share of Hipsters! Love SF" • COD Newsroom - "COD and Easter Seals Celebrate 15-Year Photo Collaboration 44" • StartupStockPhotos - "startup meeting brainstorming" • open hardware summit - "The audience" • tedxsomerville - "TED-talks-Somerville-2012-0083" • tedxsomerville - "TED-talks-Somerville-2012-0085" • TEDxManhattan - "TEDx Manhattan 2011" • tedxsomerville - "TED-talks-Somerville-2012-0096" • Canon in 2D - "Theater" • tvol - "looks like the set to prime time celebrity tabloid show..." • - "Day 19: The Broadway Show" • goodrob13 - "Live with Regis and Kelly, NYC, 9/10/08 - 8 of 63" • tpsdave - "kid rock concert auditorium" • DaniJace - "Concert_Nickelback" • HotlantaVoyeur - "DSC03016sq" • US Department of Education - "10212014 - AD - LA 52" • Jon Gosier - "TED Talk Jon" • Christopher.Michel - "Our Fair Share of Hipsters! Love SF" • Juanjo Zanabria Masaveu - "Gafas y camisa..." • crossfirecw - "El Yunque Rainforest, Puerto Rico 3" • Marta Nørgaard - "Love will tear us apart." • nickwade - "Prototype to Final: Nizo S 8 Cine Film Camera" • Ansel Edwards Photography - "“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”" • beeki - "drop of water blue water" • Samantha Jade Royds - "untitled image" • jared - "geodesic hubs" • Christopher.Michel - "Our Fair Share of Hipsters! Love SF" • rafael-castillo - "untitled image" • tiffany98101 - "Seattle" • mattriley89 - "CNC Fabrication" • Åsmund Heimark - "rainbow"

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