
Ingoldsby Academy Update August 2021

We are now approaching another school year and we are very much looking forward to welcoming all of our lovely pupils back into school. School begins for all pupils on Thursday 2nd September.

The doors open for our early years pupils at 8.45am. For years 1 to 6, morning activities start at 8.45am so both gates will be open from 8.40am. Children can go straight to the cloakrooms to put away their belongings and wash their hands. Parents of new children and year 1 pupils may walk their child into the playground to meet an adult.

The school day ends at 3.15pm. This is the time activities finish so please allow time for children to collect their belongings.

School lunches

We are aware that all lunches can be booked on Parentpay with the exception of this Thursday and Friday. We apologise for this inconvenience. If you wish to order a hot meal, please contact the office by tomorrow morning (Tues 31st) and we will order these manually for you.

Covid Related Attendance

All children are expected to be back in school full time and attendance is mandatory for children of statutory school age.

Pupils who have symptoms of Covid or who have a positive LFD test or PCR test should self-isolate. Self-isolation should be for 10 days following either the first day of symptoms or the day symptoms started. Self-isolation may be required for longer in pupils who subsequently develop symptoms after having a positive test as the count re-starts from the day their symptoms first developed. Pupils who have a positive LFD test but subsequently have a negative PCR test within 48 hours of the LFD test may return to school.

Pupils who live in a household where someone has tested positive for Covid or who have been a close contact of someone who has Covid may continue to come to school provided they have no symptoms, but are advised to get a PCR test. They may continue to come into school whilst awaiting the results of the PCR test providing they have no symptoms.

When pupils have a positive PCR test the school should be notified by the parents and the Trust notification form should be completed.

Pupils who have recently returned to England from a red list country will be subject to 10 days of isolation in a 'managed hotel' and may then return to school, providing that they have been cleared to do so. Currently, pupils under 11 who have returned from an amber or green list country may return to school immediately provided they have no symptoms of Covid.

We have updated our Covid risk assessment in line with the current guidance from the DFE.

School uniform

Children should return to school in the correct school uniforms and sensible school shoes that are suitable for running and playing outside in all weather. Please make sure that this is labelled as we have a lot of unnamed uniform left in school. We put found items of uniform outside at the end of term but many items have not been collected.

Please remember PE kits can now be brought to school. Ensure that all kit is labelled clearly please.

Swimming kit- Year 5/6

A separate letter to for swimming arrangements will follow but please remember that the pool will not allow pupils in the pool with earrings or baggy shorts. Trunks, swimsuits or costumes must be worn in addition to the compulsory swimming cap. These can be the silicone or nylon variety.

If your child has sensory difficulties, often trying the lycra/nylon caps can be helpul. It is worth exploring whether your child finds goggles a useful tool.

We look forward to welcoming you back.

Melanie Capes


Created with images by kangbch - "barley field wheat agriculture" • RitaE - "vegetable skewer paprika tomato" • ivabalk - "washing hands wash hands hygiene" • CharlesRondeau - "water swimming pool wave"