Gender Inequality in Advertisments Hannah Barrs

Advertisements: What's the big deal?
  • What's the big deal? Advertisements often display gender inequality against men and women, obeying stereotypes and encouraging prejudices among the time period and fad.
  • In the advertisements I have selected to display and talk about, it is disturbing in the way that society has not only allowed but supported the sexism and gender inequality. But within history, women have been objects and accessories to men as wives and mothers, or the engine of the home, as the man drives the car. She keeps it going, and he shows it off.
This advertisement for an extended line for the phone in 1963 was targeted at women. This women in the advertisement is dressed in an apron, holding her coffee mug, and standing in a kitchen. The ad implies that with the extended cord, the woman can talk on the phone in the kitchen without burning and ruining dinner for her family.
This advertisement is targeted at men for the "King of Beers: Budweiser" logo. The woman on the advertisement is being idolized and modeling for wives, as you can see she is wearing a wedding band on her left hand to illustrate that she is married. The clovers on her dress or blouse are nonchalant symbols of being or "getting lucky" if you drink this beer. Hmm... never really thought of that, huh?
Get back to the job that really matters? Really?
This entire advertisement makes me chuckle. Here, the ad is suggesting that men are less masculine by driving a vehicle that accommodates his children, and that fathers who drive minivans have to look like this by portraying him as 'unattractive' and 'dorky'. Total #DAD if you ask me.
The same product has two different advertisements targeted at men and women, separately. They described men as being smart, where women were nonchalantly tied to being pretty. Subtle ques, shall we say?
WARNING: IF YOU ARE A WOMAN, DO NOT DRINK DR. PEPPER TEN. IT'S NOT FOR YOU. Just kidding. It's just another example of gender inequality in advertisements, and sadly, this was made in 2011. Like come on, Dr. Pepper. Are you really going to be that sexist?
So you're telling me... women aren't the only ones allowed to be nurses? Central Florida released this ad in the mid 2000s, encouraging men to go in the nursing field, which I fully support, but was it necessary to suggest the lack of masculinity if not?
This advertisement was for Underwood nail polish in the 1960s. It was geared towards secretaries to look sexy and polished for the business men they worked for. How cute?
This heteronormative and suggestive add was released in the 1960s as well, geared towards men that if they bought this cologne that they would "get lucky".
You mean a woman can open it? This advertisement was for ketchup in 1953 and targeted at men to buy for their wives so that they wouldn't have to assist her in unscrewing the cap of the bottle. How handy and considerate of the husbands, am I right?
Created By
Hannah Barrs


Created with images by lettawren - "Sociology Papers" • Marc_Smith - "St. Petersburg, Russia"

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