Good Life Tour of the Harn Felicia Miller

Medium of the Art

I appreciate the abstract view of the city. This painting reminds me of New York City and the interesting shapes of the buildings. The busy streets and the crowded streets were part of the interesting experiences of New York. The picture really meant a ton when I saw it in person. I was able to see the painting in person and to admire the texture and content displayed in the work of art. I appreciated the time it took the artist to paint this picture. It also makes we wonder if this is how he sees the city or if this was his view as he painted the picture. I experienced this exact same view not to long ago. I recently went on a trip to New York and this is exactly what it looked like. I was astonished at how accurately my memory was displayed right in front of me. I just wish I could be back in New York right now! I was able to reflect on my wonderful experience in the city. I remember walking through the brisk, cold air of New York. We crossed the busy streets and avoided the crazy taxi drivers on our way to tour the city. This painting made me very happy. I was pleased to see such accuracy and delight in a work of art. I want to be able to see that view every day of my life!

Design of the Museum

The Ceramics exhibit was very spacious. The room was very spread out, with vases and pottery lining the outskirts of the floor. The middle of the room was very empty with perhaps one single piece of art displayed. I found this look appealing because of how modern it seemed. Although ceramics date back to centuries ago, the modern museum added a little twist to the experience. I am really into modern decorations. This room made my very happy because of the open floor concept and the space that it offered. I enjoyed the artwork and the amount of art that was also on display. The view can be overwhelming at times if too much art is on display in a room. This view was just right. There was the perfect amount of art on display to make this wing my favorite. The architects did an amazing job on this wing. The display was very enjoyable and fascinating.

Art and Core Values

This crazy piece of art reminds me of my busy lifestyle. My life is one crazy ride and this piece reminds me of my diligence to get all of it done. The lines above go in all directions but not all of them connect. The life I live may be hectic but I get the job done. One of my core values is dedication. I devote hours to my school work, family, and friends. When I decide to commit to an activity, whether big or small, I do not give up on it. I work until it is done and give it my full attention. This art work grabs the viewer's full attention immediately. The color scheme is interesting and quite abstract. How could you miss this piece of art? This piece of work allows me to understand that there are finish lines for everything. A line cannot go on forever. A line can start but may connect to another line and on for awhile. I can truly see part of my value displayed in the sculpture on the wall. I realize that I understand what I cherish the most and dedicate most of my time to. This artwork allowed me to reflect on the most meaningful things in my life and to devote the maximum amount of time for all of them.

Art and the Good Life

Art can help one reflect on their experiences and realize what we would like to achieve. I realized that I would like to seek ultimate happiness. I would also like to devote time for my family and friends. Those individuals mean a ton to me. Allowing the time to cherish with family friends is an ideal part of my life. The piece of art that I am with above was the Buddha. The Buddha displays happiness as I learned through the story Siddhartha. The peacefulness was displayed in the statue. The Buddha looked rested and peaceful, almost as if he was in meditation. I was inspired to allow more peace and quiet time into my life. My life is contantly spent in class and with friends. I cannot tell you the last time I had any alone time. The only time I can think of now is possibly a shower and that is pretty sad. Life is meant to be spent with others. You are expected to share this wonderful experience with others but you must also be able to be alone for some time to. I have decided to dedicate some alone time so that I can reflect about my experiences and ultimately achieve a happy life. The Buddha was the perfect example and I was so happy to see that work of art on display. I was excited to see this piece and cannot wait to reflect on what I have learned from the Buddha.

Created By
Felicia Miller

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