Fahrenheit 451 Questons

What is the meaning of the title of part 3 in Fahrenheit 451...?

It refers to Montag's childhood.

What is the importance of the Dentrifice commercial..?

It drives Montag crazy, and he shouts at the radio to stop..

Why does Montag go to see Faber..?

He goes to see him to talk about books, and show him the bible that he stole...

What does Faber tell Montag about books...?

He tells him there aren't very many left of the "important books." He also tells him he knows this was all going to happen and he didn't do anything about it.

What are three things Faber tells Montag is wrong with society?

Lacks quality or texture of information, leisure, and the right to carry out actions involving the first two things.


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