The Siege of the Alamo By jamie carrick

1. Davy Crockett is a man wrote a letter to his children.

2. General Jose de Urrea was headed toward Goliad.

3. James "Jim" Bowie was sent to San Antionio to evaluate a situation.

4. Colonel William B. Travis was ordered to raise a force to assist Bowie.

5. James Bonham and a volunteer force joined the Texas Defenders.

6. Casualties are those killed, wounded, captured, or missing during battle.

7. Susanna Dickinson is the wife of Almara Dickinson and her daughter were survivors.

8. Noncomats are people not involved in fighting.

9. Although Crockett was a former frontiersman and a former U.S. congressman he did not want a position of authority.

10. Santa Anna raised the red flag saying that there was going to be no survivors when he was at the Alamo.


Created with images by skeeze - "alamo downtown san antonio texas" • Vince Yarbrough Photography - "Camel Mission" • TxLnghrnJen - "Mission Espada"

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