
英国官方:中共动用媒体公权力对英公民屈打成招 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:《The Telegraph》;作者:Sophia Yan





China’s state television channel is responsible for “serious” violations of British broadcasting rules by airing the forced confession of a UK citizen, and now faces sanctions, broadcast regulator Ofcom has decided.


Ofcom has put CGTN “on notice” that it intends to impose a punishment, which could include fines or cancelling its license, following this final decision, which cannot be appealed.


The regulator’s move could escalate diplomatic tensions between the UK and China at a time Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been urged by MPs to rethink bilateral relations. Mr Johnson is expected to begin scaling back use of Chinese telecoms Huawei’s equipment in the UK’s 5G networks over security concerns, another point of contention between London and Beijing.

在国会议员敦促首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)重新考虑双边关系时,监管机构的这一举动可能会加剧英中之间的外交紧张关系。 约翰逊预计,出于安全考虑,开始缩减中国电信商华为的设备在英国5G网络中的使用规模,这将是伦敦和北京之间的另一场的博弈。

The Ofcom investigation, launched May 2019, focused on CGTN’s airing of a ‘confession’ extracted by Chinese authorities from Briton Peter Humphrey, who was detained along with his American wife for nearly two years.

Ofcom于2019年5月启动的调查重点是,CGTN播出了中共国当局从英国人彼得·汉弗莱(Peter Humphrey)摘录的 “供词” ,他和他的美国妻子一起被拘留了近两年。

Ofcom found the relevant broadcasts violated rules on unjust and unfair treatment, and unwarranted infringement of privacy, as they had “the potential materially and adversely to affect viewer’s perception of him.”

Ofcom认为相关的电视播报违反了关于“不公正和不公平待遇”的规则,并且无理侵犯了隐私,因为它们 “有极大可能严重影响了观众的是非判断。”

The footage included would have led viewers to believe Mr Humphrey was “confessing to an offence” and “making a genuine, voluntary statement,” with comments made about him “framed as statements of fact, rather than allegations.” CGTN also did not provide him with an opportunity to respond to the allegations of wrongdoing, Ofcom said.

播报的内容会使观众相信汉弗莱先生“对罪行的坦白和陈述是真诚的而且自愿的”。对他的评论“则是事实陈述,而非指控”。 Ofcom说,CGTN并没有给他提供机会对不法行为的指控做出辩护。

The fact “Mr Humphrey was confessing to offences in advance of trial and in the presence of those holding him in custody was sufficient to create substantial doubt as to whether his consent was genuine and informed,” reads the decision.


“I’m delighted that Ofcom has reached the right decision about the abusive practices of Chinese state television. These abuses were of a very barbaric nature,” Mr Humphrey told the Telegraph.


“Unfortunately, the practice of extracting and broadcasting forced confessions still continues, but hopefully my case will put Beijing on notice that this practice has to end.”


Ofcom also found that CGTN didn’t obtain informed consent from Mr Humphrey regarding how the material would be used.


CGTN, however, argued that his previous role as a journalist was enough to indicate he understood the situation. It also provided as evidence of informed consent a note provided to them by the Chinese ministry of public security, which had invited CGTN and other state media, to interview Mr Humphrey.

然而,CGTN辩称,汉弗莱先生以前曾担任记者的角色,这足以表明他了解情况。 它还提供了知情授权的证据 – 一张来自中国公安部的说明,其中邀请了CGTN和其他国家媒体采访汉弗莱。

That note, allegedly from Mr Humphrey, said: “I agree to meet Chinese journalists for an interview... I have been told by the PSB [Public Security Bureau] that the purpose of this interview is to obtain an outcome of our case which will be favourable and lenient.”


“CGTN’s possession of a classified police document shows without a doubt the collusion between the Chinese broadcaster and the country’s police,” said Peter Dahlin, director of Safeguard Defenders, a human rights NGO that has filed complaints to Ofcom.

一家人权非盈利组织“保障捍卫者”的负责人彼得·达林说:“ CGTN拥有机密的警察文件,这无疑显示了这个中共国的广播公司与该国警察之间的勾结。”

“CGTN knew the forced circumstances of Humphrey’s so-called confession and helped extract and then broadcast it anyway,” said Mr Dahlin, a Swedish citizen whose own forced confession in China was aired in 2016.

曾在2016年在中共国被强迫电视认罪的瑞典公民达林(Dahlin) 。他说:“CGTN知道汉弗莱所谓认罪是被强迫的,但还是让他上电视陈述并且播出了电视认罪”。

Mr Humphrey and his wife were both detained in 2013 in relation to a bribery case involving drug giant GlaxoSmithKline in China, during which he recounted being held in squalid conditions and and being drugged, handcuffed and locked into an iron chair in a steel cage while forced to ‘confess.’


He continues to suffer from cancer and PTSD as “a direct consequence of the abuse I received at the hands of the Chinese authorities during two years of captivity when they denied me access to medical treatment as a means to pressure me to sign a false confession.”


There was no “real evidence of criminal activity” and instead was driven by “people who manipulated the law to throw me and my wife in prison,” he said.


It’s unclear how China will react to the regulator’s announcement. Over the past year, Beijing has expelled 18 journalists from American outlets including the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, after Washington placed restrictions on CGTN and other Chinese state media outlets in the US.

目前尚不清楚中共国将如何应对监管机构的公告。 过去一年,在华盛顿对CGTN和其他几家中共国官方媒体在美实施限制之后,北京已经驱逐了包括《纽约时报》,《华盛顿邮报》和《华尔街日报》等美国媒体的18名记者。

Ofcom has other ongoing investigations into CGTN’s broadcast of forced confessions from Swedish citizen Gui Minhai, who published books about Chinese leaders, and former British consulate worker in Hong Kong Simon Cheng Man-kit.

Ofcom正在对CGTN播出的,来自瑞典公民桂明海的电视认罪展开调查, 桂明海出版了有关中共国领导人以及前英国驻香港领事馆工作人员郑民杰(Guim Min-kit)的书籍。

Mr Gui first vanished five years ago while on holiday in Thailand before surfacing in China, ‘confessing’ on a state broadcast to a fatal drunk-driving accident in 2003 and for smuggling illegal books.


In February, he was sentenced in a secretive trial to ten years in prison for “providing intelligence” to foreign entities. His daughter, Angela Gui, who studies at the University of Cambridge, filed a complaint to Ofcom in November 2018.

2月,他(桂明海)因 “向境外组织提供情报” 而在秘密审判中被判处有期徒刑十年。 他在英国剑桥大学学习的女儿安吉拉·桂 (Angela Gui)于2018年11月向Ofcom投诉。

Mr Cheng filed a complaint last year after being forced to ‘confess’ to soliciting prostitution – used later to justify a 15-day disappearance in August 2019, during which he said he was tortured, beaten and interrogated by Chinese secret police about Britain’s role in pro-democracy protests roiling Hong Kong.

郑成基在去年被迫“招供”嫖娼后提出了申诉 。这个“罪行”后来被用来证明他于2019年8月失踪15天的合法性。他说,在此期间,他受到中共国秘密警察的酷刑,殴打和讯问,称其以英国公民的身份参与了席卷香港的民主抗议活动。

Mr Cheng, a Hong Kong citizen, has since been granted political asylum in the UK.


In May, Ofcom found CGTN in “serious failure of compliance” by presenting biased coverage of the pro-democracy protests that swept Hong Kong last year. The regulator said it was considering sanctions.

今年5月,Ofcom发现CGTN对去年席卷香港的民主抗议活进行的报道“严重失衡”。 监管机构表示正在考虑制裁。

Chinese state broadcaster CGTN, which airs globally, is available in the UK as a separate channel, as well as on Sky and Freesat.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】