Duo find their niche in asparagus

By Joseph L. Murphy

Corn, soybeans, and Asparagus. Not the crop combination that you normally hear about, but for one Iowa family it is proving to be a successful one.

Twenty-years-ago Jackie Eibs and Ricki Eibs Tuttle (sisters in law) decided to plant two acres of asparagus. Those acres near Laurel have now turned into three acres, and they grow 10,000 to 14,000 pounds of fresh asparagus every year for their business RicJac Farms.

“When we first started I would drive from business to business in the area asking if they wanted to buy asparagus,” Ricki Eibs Tuttle said while driving down a dusty road to their asparagus fields. “Now we are supplying to farmers markets, restaurants, and grocery stores.”

The miles of driving and talking with business owners has paid off for the duo. Their work has landed them on plates in some of the most popular restaurants in the metro. Restaurants like the Latin King, Centro, Greenbrier, 801 Grand and Tumea & Sons to name a few.

Their asparagus can also be found in the aisles of Marshalltown Hy-vee and Gateway Market in Des Moines. They also have a regular presence at the Ankeny Farmers Market.

“The asparagus is picked every morning, washed and bundled in the afternoon and then we deliver it to Des Moines and Marshalltown two times a week through the season,” Eibs said.

They are also selling fresh asparagus bundled in one pound increments to the Marshalltown Hy-vee and are licensed to sell pickled asparagus.

RicJac farms is also an example of an ever changing landscape of farms across the state. Many farmers see great opportunities in niche markets that range from fruit and vegetable production to fine meats.

“There are small plots out there with a large demand,” Greg Eibs, Jackie’s husband and Iowa Soybean Association member, said.

He went on to say that the profit margin in asparagus can be higher than traditional crop production, but the drawback is how labor intensive vegetable farming can be.

“We’ve seen crazy demand the past few years but we’ve also about killed ourselves picking in the fields for five hours and processing for four hours all after working our day jobs,” Ricki Eibs Tuttle said.

That’s why they hired a crew of workers to help them pick the asparagus in the morning, and they also pay high school help to wash, weigh and bag the veggies in the afternoon.

Both women hope to continue the business for the next few years but already have several ideas for the continuation when they decide it is time to retire.

Created By
Joseph L. Murphy
Joseph L. Murphy

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