Tsunamis By: sydney

Tsunamis are large waves that are caused by underwater earthquakes. Tectonic plates rub together, as if a earthquake was forming but underwater. Once all of this forms the waves start moving and getting bigger and sooner or later, the tsunami could take out a city! Tsunamis can move hundreds of miles per hour in the ocean and smash into land with waves as high as 100 feet or more. From the area that the tsunami forms, waves can move outward in all directions. All tsunamis are dangerous, even though they may not hit all of the coastline.

Evacuation routes are very important when it comes to tsunamis. When you see these signs it means to move out or you will be caught in a tsunami

80% of the tsunamis happen within the Pacific Ocean's "Ring Of Fire." Experts always recommend to go 50 feet above sea level during tsunamis.

Damage after a tsunami
Tsunamis sadly cause so much damage that people can lose homes, lives, prized possessions

The video above shows a tsunami, that happened in Thailand 2004. It is said to be the most devastating tsunami recorded in modern history. It sadly killed more than 250,000 people.


Created with images by ark - "Tsunami wall" • scym - "shield characters note" • Tex Texin - "Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, after the earthquake" • Pavel ahmed - "Summer Wild Beach-Typhoon at White sea-panorama (Black and White)" • WikiImages - "tsunami riptide natural disaster"

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