Empowered or Submissive: Feminism in The Workplace By Kristin Crocker

We have come a long way from the days when women's sole purpose was be a home maker. We have integrated them into our day to day lives and by doing so other issues have arisen. The concern no longer lies with having uneducated, unprofessional, and unqualified women in the work place; the issue now is that we see their education, professionalism, and qualifications as less than those of their male counterparts. In the book The Glass Ceiling: A Look at Women in the Workforce, the author Ann Weiss, discuss the infamous glass ceiling, which when it comes to feminism in the workplace is the ultimate goal.

Women are taught from a very young age that they can do anything they set their minds to. However, this idea is contradicted over the years, by driving women away from work in the science/math fields, or oppression in the work place, or simply paying them less money for doing the same job as a man. Through these actions they are told that while they can be anything they want the one thing they cannot be is a man. They will never be able to reach the level or professionalism, quality of work, or respect that a man receives. The issue with this arises when women who are outspoken in the women's rights movement speak out at work or resist their systematic oppression. Weiss discusses in her book how women who have an open pro feminism stance at work are seen as weak and are discriminated against. It goes on to talk about how because of their outspoken abilities they are seen as complaining about their lives or being annoying to those who they work with. However, if these comments were being made by a man everyone would pay attention and find ways to fix the issue very quickly.

Weiss, also ties in an argument about women who work in fields that are seen as typically male, like the author of A Feminist Workplace? How to Fix Your Culture and Your Bottom Line by Doing Things Differently, Heather Martin discusses in her article. Martin evaluates how a feminism ideal will affect the company of the feminist; meaning that companies that support and hire feminists have responsibility to their employees as well as the rest of the members of this community. The companies examined in Martin's article show possible solutions and provide examples of how companies are more successful when they support their employees and their beliefs. The article is focused on how these companies, like the one Martin writes about, build their business models around protecting and maintaining the integrity of its employees.

The book, The Glass Ceiling: A Look at Women in the Workforce, looks at the lives of powerful women and their journey to break the glass ceiling. This book as well as the article written by Martin highlight the need and the importance of supporting women who are openly talking about their feminist ideals. More importantly these two sources show how the feminism ideal is not a damaging characteristic to a person or a company but that it can in fact it adds greatly to a collaborative and interactive company or workplace.


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