Health Care By: Celena Bormann

Health care reform to make America great again? Since March 2010, American people had to suffer under an affordable care act called Obama care. Obama care raised the economic uncertainty of every single person residing in the country. Republican congress lead to effort to bring free market reforms to the health care industry is much needed.

None of these positive effects can happen without Obama care. On the first day of the trump administration the congress will be asked to give a full repeal on Obama care.

What does Donald Trump think?

Trump believe's that when he becomes the president of the United States he will remove ObamaCare for good. Donald trumps replacement plan is to create a patient care health system that promotes better quality and affordability. People are very upset about Donald trumps decision on removing ObamaCare because that's the only thing some people can afford.

People who can not afford it are going without needed medical care because they can't afford the amounts. Most people getting ObamaCare are getting it through the government run Medicaid program. Family premiums have gone up by 5,000 since ObamaCare passed.

Tom price health in human services nominee

What does Trump's cabinet nominees for each of the departments overseeing your area have to say?

Georgia's congressman Tom Price, Donald's nominee that is going to run the department of health and human services. Trump and his congressional republicans all have their very mixed signals about Medicare. House GOP wants to turn the program into something called premium support. Which is when the government gives seniors a fixed amount of money to buy health insurance on private markets. It would increase participation in Medicare advantage

Throughout trumps campaign, trump said he didn't want to redesign the program. Some Senate Republicans warned trump to stay away from Medicare.

Tom is the man who will run the Medicare program as head of HHS. He is going to change Medicare in ways that would increase consumer demand for managed care ur he has to oppose the consequences of that change. His new Medicare program will cover expensive hospital costs.

What do you think will be the impact of the new administration on your chosen area?

The new rules in the congress are unlikely to impact on the choices. Impacts that could happen are you will have to pay more money and expected prices to go up by 5% next year.

What changes will happen?

I think that trumps plan is not going to be as great and successful as ObamaCare was for Americans who suffered with money. I believe that people will have to pay more money since prices are going to be going up 5%.


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