A Simple House By: jake reagan

A simple house to the eyes of most

With size nor style with to boast

With little meaning to you and I

But within countless memories here may lie

A house to many, but a home to few

A place to grow, or to start anew

A space to live, a space to love

where a family could flourish like a floating dove

A man purchased the house, full of hope

To find his love that he could elope

And within these walls made of elmwood

They would venture on the journey of parenthood.

He did meet his beloved, a beautiful girl

Who he cherished so, like a priceless pearl

Not long after they would marry

And soon thereafter start a family

Two decades passed, and his family had blossomed

His children left the home, but it was not solemn

For the memories that they had left behind

Would live on with the house until the end of mankind

When he thought back on the life he had built with his spouse

It brought him back to the day he had bought the house

He looked upon his beloved and his mind continued to roam

And he realized what a young man saw as a simple house turned into a perfect home

Created By
Jake Reagan

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