muhammad ali the best boxer

before I start i want to tell a joke: Whats a skeletons favorite insterment? A TROM-BONE or a XILA-BONE

his name was cassius clay but they called him muhammad Ali. he lived in a very racist neborhood and they were not rich. and his grand father, and dad were his 2 biggest insparation in his life. and he just got a new bike. he would always ride it around his neighborhood. but one day it was stolen. cassius was very angry somebody stole his bike. he went to this training school he told the trainer that someone stole his bike and who ever did he´s going to whup"em.

then cassius made up hid mind that nobody would ever steal from him again. cassius went to go see joe martin. joe martin was a policeman.who trained young boy boxers.cassius was born 1942 he graduated from kentuky and his first fight was when he was 12 he won the boxing olympics he won the golden gloves match he won the world heavy weight championship vs tony madigan.

and his most insparation Qoute is I float like a butterfly and I sting like a bee. he was a big insparation by being the best boxer ever.1942-2016 muhammad ali

mahhamad ali insparation video

Feinstein, Stephen. Muhammad Ali. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow, 2008. Print.


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