I Do Not Think That Team/Schools Should Be Allowed To Use Native American Mascots By:Marianna Slaughter

The Native Americans are being stereotyped when used for teams.

The native are being known as red-skins
In the text it says, "This racial designation based on skin color is disparaging to Native Americans.

The following text indicates that the term red-skin is offensive to Native American's skin color describing it as red. This can cause them to feel unappreciated and disrespected.

Not all of the Natives approve of the decision came to create Native American team names.

The Native Americans protest to let America know that they do not appreciate being a mascot
The passage says, "The Oneida Indian Nation does not like the Washington Redskins team nickname."

The passage informs us that the Indian's opinions of the team nickname is not respected and taken seriously like it should be. This could cause them to feel like their opinions don't matter and feel as though they are taken for granted.

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