My Trip to the Harn By Jacob Geier

Branched scholar's rock

When I saw Branched Scholar's Rock, it made me feel like I was outside walking in the woods. The sculpture is made of Lingbi Stone and has a very abstract shape. It really enjoyed the texture of the rock. There were odd bumps and gaps and it looked kind of like a tree. The way the colors of black, grey, and beige were mixed around on the surface was very cool. Also the scratches on the rock gave it character, as if it was different from any other. The abstract shape of it gives the viewer a chance to be creative when looking at it. Maybe you saw an animal or a branch, the possibilities are endless. It made me feel good because it reminded me of nature and hiking through the mountains.

African ExHibit

I really enjoyed the African Exhibit mostly because of the style of artwork there. There was a lot of work that had to do with tribes which I thought was interesting because I don't see that too often. The art I was standing next to in the picture above really caught my eye because of the colors and the medium of which it was in. I think about the time it would have taken to make art like this and am amazed. Other works like the ones in the back of the picture were sculptures that make you think about what they meant. The way the exhibit was set up didn't do a lot for me, but going through did make me feel like I was in a different part of the world.

midtown composite

Midtown Composite by Yvonne Jacquette is a woodcut piece capturing an aerial view of New York City. This artwork made me nostalgic of my old home in New York. I didn't live in the city, but I've been there too many times to count. Every time I would go the lights would amaze when we left at night time. When I go back to see friends I see the lights on my way into the airport and it makes me feel at home. The way Jacquette really emphasizes the light and dark of the city is beautiful. This piece makes me happy because there aren't too many cities nearby, but this image puts me into one.


At a glance this artwork looks like some oddly shaped metal, but as you look closer you can see more. The two larger pieces of metal are parents and the little one at the bottom is a child. Family by Agustin Cardenas is made from bronze and illustrates family in a way you wouldn't think of. The good life theme in this sculpture is obviously family. The people who are always there for us and inspire us to grow. In this artwork it's obviously your genetic family, but in our lives it could be our friends at UF. We join clubs and make new friends when we get here to replace the one we have at home. This artwork helps me understand family more than I did before by showing that family doesn't come in the places you would expect.


Created with images by tunaolger - "mosaic museum on"

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