Children with disabilities being denied their education. By:jack andrews

Children with disabilities from around the world are not being educated the same as children without disabilities. Worldwide ninety three million kids, under the age of 14 are living with moderate or severe disabilities. Many of these children are kept out of school by their families, some are not allowed because their governments do not think they need to go to school. The discrimination varies depending on the country the child lives in. The United States offers education to a hundred percent of children with disabilities. In China 40 percent of all people with disabilities are illiterate and more than 25 percent of disabled children receive no education at all.

To help bring attention to this issue in the United States there is a group called ADAPT. They organize peaceful protests and marches throughout the USA to ensure equal right for the disable. This group also presents new policy to our lawmakers to have changes made to protect the disabled. Because of this groups hard work and dedication new policies are always being written. This makes sure that the laws governing the education of disabled are always current. Sometimes they are not able to get policymakers to hear their concerns, when this happens the necessary changes that need to be made do not happen. The other problem is that it can take years to make policies change, which slows down the process of making sure all disabled are being properly educated equally.

The United States needs to be the country to set the standard for countries who do not provide education for all their disabled children. To help lead these other countries the United States needs to agree to a global treaty known as The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This is written with the same rights as The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the USA would not be agreeing to any less standards but helping others to join the high standards they have. By joining this treaty, countries would show that they are committed to disabled humans to treat them as equals and provide the same education that others are provided. Schools throughout the world also need to look at the education that is being provided to children with disabilities. These programs need to be held to the same standards that a traditional classroom is held to. The teaching style may need to be changed for someone with a disability to learn the material, but it will be worth it so they are able to learn and contribute to their world. denied-access-education

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