NY Botanical Garden Field Trip by James Grant and Pavan Kumar

Names of Featured Plants

  1. Palms
  2. Cacao
  3. Kapok
  4. Annatto
  5. Papyrus
  6. Epiphytes
  7. Cinchona
  8. Tree Ferns
  9. ?
  10. Agave
  11. Lithops
  12. Venus Flytrap

5 Medicinal Plants:

1. Saw Palmetto

The Saw Palmetto is used to decrease symptoms of enlarged prostate and cure prostate infections and prostate cancer.

Image Link: http://etc.usf.edu/clippix/pix/saw-palmetto-3_medium.jpg

2. Cacao

The seeds of the Cacao Plant are used to dilate blood vessels and protect people from heart problems.

3. Pilocarpus pennatifolius

The Pilocarpus pennatifolius is used to treat diarrhea.

Image Link: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=lvvV%2fwE8&id=D2B44188DAE8B9561C4DEC9F558385B2B7D5E355&q=pilocarpus+pennatifolius&simid=608041072690137861&selectedIndex=2

4. Cinchona

The bark of the Cinchona plant is used to treat malaria.

5. Aloe Vera

The leaves and sap are used for lotions, sunscreen, and shampoo that treats inflamed skin, and heals burns and wounds.

Sketch of Leaf Found in Rainforest

Hymenaea courbaril (Jatoba) Leaf

The leaves on the Jatoba tree have both drip tips and a waxy surface allowing water to quickly drain from the leaves. This tree is located in the rainforest, an extremely humid area, so these adaptations prevent the leaves from rotting.

Epiphyte Located in the Rain Forest

Zygopetalum Advance Australia Orchidaceae

This type of orchid has special roots that allow it to absorb water from the air. Plants in the jungle are constantly competing for water, meaning that if a plant this small grew from the ground, it would die. Thus, this plant known as an ephiphyte has adapted to living on other plants and absorbing water from the air.

5 Plants Used for Food

1. Mango Tree

The flowers of the mango trees almost into strings of red and orange fruit. This fruit, known as a mango, is edible and used in cooking all around the world.

Image Link: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=dGojAVh4&id=D8785E9C2F591AD48EFD989287D51F81E4AB497B&q=mango+tree&simid=608044908102682598&selectedIndex=7

2. Vanilla Orchid

The seed pod of this plant has been used for an extremely long time as a source of vanilla. Vanilla is extracted from these pods that are shaped like beans, and the taste and smell of vanilla only develops after these pods are dried and cured.

3. Ananas comosus (Pineapple)

The fruit of the Ananas comosus, or better known as a pineapple, is edible and widely used in culinary today.

4. Cocos nucifera (Coconut Palm)

The fruit of the Cocos nucifera, a coconut, is eaten.

5. Musa (Banana)

On the Banana plant, groups of flowers soon develop into bananas, which are edible fruits.

Image: New York Botanical Garden Plant Hunters

Piper methysticum (Kava Plant)

The name Piper methysticum (Kava Plant), means intoxicating pepper. The most useful part of the Kava plant, or the roots can be used as medicine, by realeasing tension in the body, treating sleep disturbances, helping ease anxiety, and getting rid of stress. If you were given the Kava plant, it is considered a gesture of friendship. This plant celebrates weddings and births, and honors the dead at funerals.

Carnivorous Plant

Dinonaea muscipula (Venus Flytrap)

The Venus Flytrap and other carnivorous plants have adapted to getting nourishment from insects because they live in areas where the soil lacks nutrients. These plants are able to digest small animals including flies and spiders. The Venus Flytrap attracts insects to land on it by using vibrant colors such as red and sweet smells. Once an insect has landed on the leaves, they will snap shut and the helpless insect will be digested by the Venus Flytrap.

3 Different Flowers

1. Bougainvillevillea

This flower is pollinated by bees and other insects because it has large, colorful petals to attract insects to land on the flower.

2. Costus specious

These flowers are also pollinated by bees and other insects because they have large, colorful, and sweet smelling petals, which will definitely attract insects to land on them.

3. Cymbidium (Asian Corsage Orchid)

These flowers are pollinated by insects because they have large petals with vibrant colors.

How many dressers can one mahogany tree make?

Answer: One mahogany tree can make 7 dressers.

Image: https://aos.iacpublishinglabs.com/question/aq/1400px-788px/mahogany-trees-grow_6d76ad2c81b66040.jpg?domain=cx.aos.ask.com

Chondrodendron tomentosum (Curare)

The stem of the Curare plant is used to relax muscles. This plant is used by doctors and helps paralyze patients' muscles during surgery without stopping their heart from beating. It is also used as dart poison for hunting, because it can paralyze the hunter's prey.

The Layers of the Rainforest

1. Forest Floor

This layer of the rainforest doesn't have that many nutrients because decomposing material is quickly used by plants and insects or carried away with the rain as runoff.

2. Understory Layer

This layer of the rainforest is dimly lit, humid, and consists of smaller trees and bushes.

3. Canopy Layer

This layer of the rainforest has an abundance of plant life and has tons of plant and animal diversity. The dense treetops located in this layer block all sunlight and water from reaching lower layers of the rainforest.

4. Emergent Layer

Only the tallest trees rise above the canopy and are exposed to direct, unblocked sunlight.

Climbing Plant

Bauhinia corymbosa

This plant has vines containing slender tendrils that can wrap around objects that can support their weight. This means that the Bauhinia corymbosa can twist around trees and other rigid objects.


Why is moss so small?

Moss is so small because it doesn't have vascular bundles, meaning that it doesn't have fully formed roots, stems, and leaves. Without vascular bundles that help carry water, food, and minerals to every cell around the plant, moss must be compact so that the plant can conserve water and so that every cell easily has access to water, food, and minerals.

Blond Tree Fern

This Blond tree fern is a seedless plant because it has spores. Spores are another way for a plant to reproduce, and is considered asexual reproduction.

Flower in the Desert

Flower of Succulent Sesame

This flower is different from the ones in the rainforest because it is succulent. Since the desert is dry, it is important to have succulent flowers and leaves because they help retain water and keep the plant from drying out.

Image Link: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=lF6Abfpm&id=CDD6B183224CDAC40283FEBFDC166BA8F377B6FA&q=succulent+sesame+flowers&simid=608032590132675947&selectedIndex=3

The leaf from the Orthoprerum coegana has fleshy, thick skin to hold in water. This adaptation is important because it stops the leaf from drying out in its arid natural habitat, the desert.

Epiphyte in the Desert

Tillandsia baileyi

These epiphytes are called baileyi. The desert epiphytes use fungi to absorb water while rainforest epiphytes do not.

Extra Credit: Gollum Plant


Created with images by Unsplash - "greenhouse garden plants" • Michael Khor - "A majestic mahogany tree."

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