The Holocaust and Rwandan Genocide Emily Murray

Similarities between The Holocaust and the Rwandan Genocide

The Rwandan Genocide

The 2 genocides are both one of the heaviest moments in history. No one tried to stop either of them. No one with power did anything to stop it from happening really. Both of the genocides had groups or people that were killing innocent people. Hitler and the Natzi's killed innocent Jews and disabled people and the Tutsi's and the Hutu's were killing each other. They both caused a war. The Holocaust caused World War 2 and the Rwandan Genocide was considered the Rwandan Cicil War.

The Holocaust

Differences Between the Holocaust and the Rwandan Genocide

The Rwandan Genocide

The Rwandan Genocide began when an airplane crashed killing their president and the president of Burundi. The Rwandan Civil War lasted over 100 days and the Holocaust lasted about 7 years. When the airplane crashed, people knew that violence would breakout. During the Holocaust, people didn't realize what was happening at first and they didn't know what it would lead to (they were kind of blindsided by it). During the Rwandan Genocide, innocent people were told to kill others. They were told to kill their neighbors and friends. During the Holocaust, the Natzi's and others were doing the killing. The Natzi's had Hitler leading them and in the Rwandan Civil War, they had 2 groups leading them rather than one person.

Analysis of the Rwandan Genocide

The Rwandan Genocide sounds more like a war than the Holocaust when reading because of the 2 groups. The Holocaust doesn't sound like a war when reading because it's one person controlling others not 2 groups fighting. In my mind war is between groups and the Holocaust didn't seem like that until the end when people were being rescued. I don't understand how a plane crash caused violence. I guess it's because they knew there was no leader. Did the 2 groups fight and kill so one could become leader? When the plane crashed people knew violence would happen, but why and how did they know? No one tried to stop it either. Even though the president is dead, they still have an army and security. Don't they have a Vice President to lead them? No one with power did anything to stop it (or at least that's how it sounds when researching it).

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