Grissel's Week in Williamsburg By Grissel Hay's Imposter, Caroline Madaio

Today I went to the millinery while I had some free time away from the apothacary. I bought a fabric of cheap silk in a baby blue color that I can wear to church as well as balls. It is a grand gown that is similar to the one I saw Betty Randolph wearing the other day. It cost 30 coins. My husband made a sale to Edmond Randolph for 35 coins, a pultice of 4 fine herbs and spices, one of which being saffron. This pultice will help Ariana Jennings Randolph suck out the infection in her fragile body. I hope she gets well. My husband gave me this money because #1, I need a new dress, #2, Ariana will need 3 other pultices, with the fact that her wound has been festering for at least a week and a half. Peter approves of me getting this dress and supports my decision in getting it in French style,

Au vua diary

This is the Wythe house, Peter recently had to go on a delivery here. You see, his wife got a terrible rash one day while she was in the garden. The worst part is, they are itchy rashes!! Luckily her husband didn't touch her after he saw the red boiles coming up. Luckily nor did Peter. Mrs. Wythe is getting better, and is now continuing to do her chores. The rashes are gone thanks to Peter's homemade ointment. Mr. Wythe has given a thousand thanks and is still, continuing to thank us for curing his wife of her ailment. He invited us for dinner and their cook made the most delicious parsnip pudding, sausages and mince pies.


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