Healthy treats Chicken Jerky for our dog 🐶

These are a great alternative to store-bought rawhide chews. The jerky made from this recipe comes out really tough and a little chewy, which is great for your dog's teeth - and gives them something to entertain themselves with. The high protein content of chicken is great for your dog's muscles

Ingredients: 2 - 4 Chicken Breasts (I suggest organic, free-range chicken breast)


Place your oven on a low temperature (200 degrees is good)

Trim the chicken breasts of any excess fat.

If the chicken meat is thick, turn chicken on side and cut down the center to make 1/8 inch thick.

Slice into strips.

Set strips on baking sheet and bake for 2 hours.

Chicken is done when nit is dry and hard - should not be soft or chewy.

Allow to cool before serving.

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