
Wait... I Don't Get It Frequently asked questions & Extra Things to Know

Photo by Brianna Jesionowski

What supplies are not necessary but recommended?
  • Hand sanitizer, tissues, sanitizing wipes, reusable water bottles and extra masks.
What if I am late to class?
  • As of currently there is no tardy cart, so students must go through the front office.
Can I sit with my friends at lunch?
  • All students must stay 6 feet apart from everyone at ALL TIMES.
What are possible punishments for not following the new rules?
  • Failure to adhere to masks and social distancing requirements will result in progressive discipline, up to and including, a student’s removal from campus. There will no longer be the punishment of detentions after school.
What if I get picked up early?
  • Parents must get a confirmation from student affairs and show ID to the security booth in the carline and must wait outside for students to meet them in the parking lot.