Welcome to Objctve HOME How it works

make a purchase.

with each purchase a lovely customer makes, we use a portion of those funds and create blessing bags to deliver to a person in need. we believe that little contributions each day will amount to making a big impact in the homeless community.

please, browse our store and treat yourself to intricately designed and insanely soft t-shirts that will become that "go-to" tee for any event.

we package it with love.

as long as you are in the great USA, we will ship it to your home with lots and lots of love. the apparel is packaged in bags that are designed for the customer to have the opportunity to create their own blessing bag to give to a homeless person. in fact, if you share on social media a post of yourself reusing the bag as a blessing bag, we will give you a discount on your next order! win-win-win.

because of you.

because of your contribution, we go out and share love and happiness to the homeless community. we create blessing bags filled with treats, hygienic products, water, and love. then we take to the streets and hand-deliver the blessing bags, with a side of hugs, smiles, prayers, and high-fives. Anything we can do to brighten up their day.

our goal.

each purchase helps us in being able to get closer to reaching our goal of helping the homeless find a home. we hope to be able to eventually employ the homeless and help them through their struggles and give them the resources they need to get back on their feet.

Created By
David Amador


Created with images by Pexels - "brick wall empty lighted" • Pexels - "clothes hangers rack" • Anne-Onyme - "mail newsletter home" • 1681551 - "love i love you post card" • Marc Brüneke - "homeless"

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