Fences Project Jesus Zamora

What does brotherly love mean to you?

William - '' I have a responsibility of taking care of them and being a role model. Show them what's right and wrong, guide them. Help them when they need it and teach them how to be a better person.''

Can you explain your relationship between you and your son?

Mr. Devault - Mr. Devault - ''I only have one son, which makes our relationship more special. I try to be there, and support him, I go to all his school events, I go to concerts and game events with him, etc. He's 16, and even though he's my only child there is a fine line between when to let them loose and when to be strict, like a water faucet sometimes you have to loosen it to let it flow and sometime to tighten up.''

As a mother of two children what does the relationship between mother and son mean to you?

Mrs. Rathke - ''Everything I do is a carry forward to childhood experiences but try to do that differently. I try to show them every day that I love them, and I know that making them happy and giving them everything does not alway show love. I know that they get frustrated sometimes and when they get home I try to talk to them and help them overcome what they are experiencing that is preventing them to grow. As a mother I want to help them become the best adults they can be, also I try to incorporate fun into our relationship not always based it on parenting stuff.''

You being the oldest sibling how would you describe your relationship with your siblings?

Paola - ''I watch out for them and baby sit them all the time. And even though sometimes they can get very annoying I still love them because I've been with them since they were babies and I learned to forgive them for everything they've done to me.''

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