Drill Go Kart Jawnski Brendan flanagan

Problem Statement: Our group must create a drill powered go-kart. Through this process we must provide evidence of design, build, and testing. The Go-kart must be able to pass challenges that test the handling, acceleration/speed, and the endurance/efficiency. The drill must be able to be attached and detached quickly as well. We have until the end of the year to complete this. The materials available to us are an 18 volt drill, a sheet 3/4" plywood, hardware, wood glue, and a $25 Lowes budget


^ Some videos demonstrating some ideas we were considering for our go kart

A drill powered go-Kart's power system from the video above
A wagon axle that we will attempt to implement into our design


A sketch showing our goal for the overall structure of the Go-Kart
A sketch highlighting our steering system and seating
A detailed sketch of the entire go-kart body including measurements
A rough Sketch of our planned brake system


A wagon frame we used as the go-kart's base
A group member sanding a plank we used in the frame.
Continued sanding of the plank.
A close up of planks we began to use in the build but later discarded because they were too short to screw onto the frame.
The wagon frame with the new plank base and seat attached (the seat would soon be replaced with the one shown below)
I was short on time on build day and couldn't get a picture of the actual seat but this is exactly what the seat we used looks like, I simply detached it from the desk and zip tied it to the frame
For the steering system I used a bike similar to the one shown in the picture above with which I removed the front tire and separated the handle bars/ tire holder from the rest of the bike.


Created with images by Samuel M. Livingston - "Drill"

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