
Sparking Reflection through digital storytelling

EDS/CREATE Conference 2019

Education is a Civil Right: Equity, Activism, and Inclusion

May 4, 2019

Denise Maduli-Williams

English and ELAC Professor, Miramar College


“The telling and hearing of stories is a bonding ritual that breaks through illusions of separateness and activates a deep sense of our collective interdependence.” ~ Annette Simmons, The Story Factor

Workshop Abstract

Stories touch us in a deeply human way, and digital storytelling can broaden this impact by incorporating multi-media elements such as images, voice, music, and text. Far from isolating, technology can amplify student voice. In this session, participants will write and create a short digital story using Adobe Spark, a free mobile and web app.

Equity practice: Every student's voice matters, and every student has a story to tell. Finding ways to support students in reflection and sharing is critical. Digital storytelling encourages students to create using a variety of media and allows for oral and written language practice, supporting students at their individual level.

My Story Assignment

This writing assignment is very short. Basically, you are going to narrow down the story of your life until this point to explain how you ended up where you are now: taking classes here at Miramar College.

To do this, please follow the specific format below:

  • Every day . . .
  • Until one day . . .
  • Because of that . .
  • Because of that . . .
  • Because of that . . .
  • Until finally . . .
  • And ever since then. . .

*If you want to add in a few more "because of that" sentences you can, but the idea is to keep it short.

Be as creative as you like as you tell your story!

Student Written Examples

Adobe Spark Video Stories

Student in online English 49

Students in ELAC 33

Denise's Story



Created with an image by Jez Timms - "untitled image"