
ELL & GLAD Bilingual Learners

Grading Bilingual Learners

(district verbage) • The use of this grading is determined on a case-by-case basis at the building level to address individual student needs. The “passing” grading percentage is a collaborative decision that should include ELL teachers, counselors, and teachers. It should not be an individual decision.

General practice

*Accommodation: No change in the rigor or content objective for the assessment, formative or summative (e.g. additional visuals to assist the language on the assessment). Other examples: word banks, bilingual glossaries, translation tools..

*Modification: Changing the content objective in the assessment (e.g. omitting the most rigorous question, simplifying the question or number of answer choices).

Emerging students (scores of 1s and 2s on ELPA)

  • For Level 1 and Level 2 ELLs, assessment modifications can be provided as needed. S/U 60%(?) grading available for any students that you are consistently modifying for, which is usually any emerging students:
  • sixth graders: Justin Xu
  • seventh graders Juan Rodriquez Salazar-- Andie Liu -- Ahmed Aboker-- Harry Liu

Progressing students (scores of 2s, 3s, and 4s on ELPA)

  • These students, depending on their domain scores, may need lots of accommodations and fewer, less drastic modifications.
  • Grading will depend on the individual subject and the student's needs and performance.
  • Good rule of thumb, don't give bilingual learners Fails unless they are not attempting work. Move to S/U grading if they drop below 70% or you are modifying frequently

Proficient students (scores of 4s and 5s on ELPA)

  • These students may need infrequent accommodations, but they should not require modifications.

Students that waived services-

  • You are not required to provide accommodations or modifications. If you do, grade accordingly.

Student Support Forms

Created By
Shona Campbell

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