Good Life Tour of the Harn Sydney Kotin

Medium of the Art / Technique of the Artist

These glass pieces are beautiful here in this picture, but seeing them in person was completely different. The texture was visible and it could be seen that the artist put a lot of detail into the work. Seeing the way this delicate glass was crafted into something so magnificent was a great feeling and amazed me.

Jack-in-the-Pulpit Vase Tiffany Studios

Design of the Museum

This exhibit was spacious and the atmosphere was warm from the colors of the natural wood. The high ceilings also added a luxurious feel to this area. The photos that hung against the walls were just as pleasing to the eye.

The SFI Exhibition Hall

Art and Core Values

"Women in America earn only 2/3 of what men do. Women artists earn only 1/3 of what men artists do." This art makes a statement that truly touches upon my values. This whole exhibit was about women equality and their pay as well as how many more women were artists than men. Feminism and equality is important and there is no better way to express this than with art.

Guerrilla Girls

Art and the Good Life

While some people may just see this as a rock with a nice crystal on the inside, to me this embodied the good life. The outside of this rock is dull, but the inside is unique. Not only is this a metaphor to the "It's what on the inside that counts" saying, but it also has a calming vibe to it. When I first saw this I immediately saw a beach. The turquoise and white like the ocean and the sand colored stone around it made me feel at ease during a time of stress. Even now as I am stressed with school work and acts of hate taking place in my community, I see this calming representation of life and am reminded of what the important things in life are. I am reminded of the good life.

Vessel, 2008 OGAWA Machiko

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