Niger Delta Oil Spills How shell is Guilty

Shell makes billions of dollars selling oil. Shell chooses to spend that money on marketing instead of helping clean up the Niger Delta.

Shell does not help locals when they are dying from the oil, they instead blame sabotage so they don't have to pay compensation.

Shell basically says "A few of you caused this problem so we are going to punish all of you. Your entire village is destroyed is destroyed and we are not going to pay any compensation. Your farms and fisheries are ruined, and we are going to give you no chance at survival!"

Burning oil is not a clean or efficient way to clean up oil spills, as burning the oil only takes care of the oil at the top of the water. The oil that stays in the water lower will not get cleaned, and burning the oil is dangerous and kills many lives.
The bird is dying from oil.

Damaged. That’s one way to describe the Niger Delta.

Every creature living in the Delta suffers. There is little clean water, and this lack of water stops life.

Shell is been the main oil company in the Delta for over half a century.

Thirty years. That’s how long the cleaning of the Delta is expected to take.

Ruined by oil spill, the Niger Delta has had 1693 recent oil spills, that is, oil spills that Shell admits to.

Once beautiful. The Delta’s natural beauty has vanished since the oil spills have killed most of the flora and fauna that inhabited the area.

Yelling silently. The Delta’s people have lost their voices to the flow of oil.

Ecosystems are dead. Oil spills cause many fatalities.

Destroyed. That what the Niger Delta is currently, because of Shell.

Oil Production In Nigeria...



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