The feminist of the 1920s: Amelia earhart

Amelia Earhart, born on July 24th, 1987 in Atchison Kansas, was the first woman to fly solo over the Atlantic ocean. On July 2nd in 1987, she mysteriously disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. Earhart was more than the first woman pioneer.

Amelia changed the way the world viewed women at the time. She showed potential by breaking the social norms society had towards women.

Amelia was a feminist. She stood up for what she believed in. Earhart encouraged woman to believe that education should be put first. At the time she was an icon not only for setting the record that woman can do anything, but for setting higher standers in society.

She became the first president in 1931 of the orginization, "The Ninety-Nine". The organization for woman aviators.

Amelia showed her freedom and addressed this view towards woman by dressing in clothes that were considered "Men's clothing." She also wore her hair short, which was not common for woman in the 1920's. Amelia was respected by many male pilots.

Amelia was a great influence to the 1920's, especially because women had recently won the right to vote. She helped restore the role of women.
"Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others." ~ Amelia Earhart
Created By
Alondra Torres


Created with images by IMLS DCC - "Amelia Earhart visits Municipal Airport" • Tekniska museet - "Amélia Earhart" • Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor - "Earhart-w-DukePineapplepeel1935"

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