Bolivia Vincent Panateri, Logan Kosteroski, Y Blake Lewandowski

La Paz - La Capital y Santa Cruz - Más grande
(August 6, 1825) El dia de independencia celebracion
Rojo - Soldados Valientes, Amarillo - Minerales, y Verde - Fertilidad
(Un plato normal) Salteñas - Cerdo, pollo, carne de vaca, chícharos, o huevos (7am - Noon)
Cuy (Guinea Pig) - w/ papas, arroz, and especia
Aji de lengua (spicy tongue) - w/ tomate, chícharos, or salta
(37 languages) Spanish (official) 60.7%, Quechua (official) 21.2%, Aymara (official) 14.6%, foreign languages 2.4%, Guarani (official) 0.6%, other native languages 0.4%, none 0.1%
llama dung
Bolivian Boliviano - dinero
Mestizo (mixed white and Amerindian ancestry) 68%, indigenous 20%, white 5%, cholo/chola 2%, black 1%, other 1%, unspecified 3%
Roman Catholic 76.8%, Evangelical and Pentecostal 8.1%, Protestant 7.9%, other 1.7%, none 5.5%
Unitary state-Presidential system-Republic
Minerales: Zinc, Silver, Tin, Lead, Antimony, Wolfram, Gold, Etc.
(Actores famosos) Carla Ortiz y Reynaldo Pachecho


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