The Rubik's Cube Who made it, how'd they make it, why's it popular?

All About The Rubik’s Cube

Imagine you are trying to solve a Rubik's cube. You are twisting and turning growing frustrated with the colored cube. The reason it is so challenging is because the inventor of the Rubik’s cube took six years just to make this brain teasing puzzle for your enjoyment. Now I have an app that can show you how to solve the Rubik’s cube called Rubik’s free.

History Of The Rubik’s Cube

You may be wondering who the creative genius is behind that colorful cube. The Hungarian inventor goes by the name of Erno Rubik. He was born July 13th 1944. Erno Rubik invented the rubik's cube in 1974 and he was 29 years when he invented the Rubik’s cube. Erno Rubik wanted the Rubik’s cube to have different colors.The first Rubik’s ever made was wood with black stickers. Then he changed the colors to the ones you see on it today red,orange,yellow, white,green and blue. Erno Rubik made the Rubik’s cube to be a brain teaser. People then began to be obsessed with the Rubik’s cube. News spread about the Rubik’s cube and then it became a bestseller and more than 1 million cubes were sold in a little less than a year. After that Erno Rubik became famous because so many people loved it. Now you know the important parts of the Rubik’s cube history.

How to Solve the Rubik’s Cube

Have you ever wanted to solve the Rubik’s cube well you're in luck. These are some steps on how to solve the Rubik’s cube .#1. Get to know your cube.#2.Get the white cross .#3. Solve all the layers.#4. Solve all corner pieces.#5. Know which colors are opposites. The algorithm is the most important part of solving the Rubik’s cube. In order to know what the algorithm is you need to know what the letters mean. Next you solve all corner pieces. Last you will download an app that can show you how to solve the Rubik’s cube if you don’t want to learn all those algorithms. You are definitely going to solve the Rubik’s cube now.

How to Make a Video

Have you ever wanted to make a youtube video? Now you can, only if you follow these steps. First you need to record. Then you need to buy a camera that is meant for your video and it has to be a good price. Second you need to worry about the quality of your video. Here are some ways for you to improve your video. #1. You need to close the windows because if there open it can drain your voice. Another way is bad lighting the lights could be to bright or to dark for the watcher. Third you edit,to edit you need to buy a editing software. You need to get the right software for your topic. You should get a software that you can work and has a good price.When your done all these steps you can film it and then post it. Now you know how to make a youtube video since you read these steps.

Imagine a 4th grader struggling to solve the Rubik’s cube. That's not you anymore! Now when you see one of your friends struggling to solve the Rubik’s cube you can tell them there is an app called Rubik’s free that shows you how to solve the Rubik’s cube. Now I had trouble trying to solve the Rubik’s it was harder than I thought but I made it all work out.So what I did was I looked for apps that can show you how to solve the Rubik’s cube and I found this app called Rubik’s free so I downloaded it and did some scrambles on it and it worked so decided that instead of making a video showing how to solve the Rubik’s cube I made a video showing how to use the app and you can scan the QR.

Created By
Gavin Lisa


Created with images by wreco - "cube game rubik's cube"

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