A Service to Those who serve Liberty University's Resident Shepherds do not receive a sufficient enough scholorship for the amount of time and effort that they put into the position

A Resident Shepherd's life is a journey, composed of intentional times of prayer, Bible reading, and encouraging those who reside on their halls.

Resident Shepherds minister to the unpopular

Resident Shepherds socialize with those on their halls.

Resident Shepherds invest in the spiritual lives of those who live on their halls.
Resident Shepherds encourage others.
Resident Shepherds have weekly accountability meetings with their Community Group Leaders.

Resident Shepherds should receive a significant increase in their scholarship due to the amount of time and responsibility that their position entails.


Created with images by Unsplash - "book bible bible study" • Evan Courtney - "The Journey" • PublicDomainPictures - "girl praying hands" • mnplatypus - "bible study coffee" • 27707 - "people talking men" • 947051 - "girl pupil book" • grapevinethailand - "Small group Bible studies" • Godsgirl_madi - "holding hands bible praying" • rossination - "Gaggle of College Students" • Gareth1953 All Right Now - "Return to Godalming - Aug 2013 - Beautiful Girls Candid - Lost in Space"

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