The Shroud of Turin Andrea Vargas

What Is It?

The Shroud of Turin is an old linen cloth that bears the image of a man that many believe to by Jesus of Nazareth. It was first discovered in the 1300’s. The Shroud is 14 ft 5 in x 3 ft 7 in. There is a very faint image of a man with folded hands.

Forensic doctors have interpreted markings on the cloth as follows:

- One wrist bears a large, round wound, apparently from piercing (the second wrist is hidden by the folding of the hands)

- Upward gouge in the side penetrating into the thoracic cavity.

- Small punctures around the forehead and scalp

- Scores of linear wounds on the torso and legs.

- Swelling of the face

- Streams of blood down both arms

Pros: The Shroud of Turin Is Authentic

- The carbon testing date might be skewed because the shroud's fibers are soiled with microscopic bacteria and fungi, which have developed for hundreds of years. New carbon dating experiments date the Shroud of Turin to the 1st century AD.

- Many people have certain physical features that are disproportionate. Scientific findings support the idea that the image on the Shroud was made by a sudden flash of high-energy radiation.

- The stitching pattern is similar to the hem of a cloth found in the tombs of the Jewish fortress of Masada. The Masada cloth dates to between 40 BC and 73 AD. This kind of stitch has never been found in Medieval Europe.

- The blood was on the Cloth before the image (an unlikely way for an artist to work). Most bloodstains on the Shroud are from clotted wounds transferred to the cloth by contact with a wounded human body.

- The scourge marks on the shoulders, back, and legs of the Man of the Shroud match the Roman flagrum. The wound in the side matches the Roman Hasta (spear). Iron nails were used in the wrist area.

Cons: The Shroud of Turin Is A Hoax

- The carbon dating tests predict that the shroud is not much more than 700 years old, which would place its origin during the 1300s, making it much too young to have been Jesus' burial cloth.

- The facial and bodily features of the man are out of proportion.

- To truly determine where the cloth was manufactured, the researchers would need to analyze the DNA from the flax seeds used to make the linen shroud, which was not done

- Human mitochondrial DNA found in dust from the shroud can be traced back to North African Berbers, East Africans, and inhabitants of China.

- The oldest portions of DNA can be traced back to India, which would make it rare for the shroud to somehow have made its way to Europe because Indians had little contact with Europeans during that time.

My Opinion: Is It Real?

AAfter reading countless arguments for and against the authenticity of the shroud, I am still undecided as to whether or not the Shroud of Turin wrapped Jesus after his crucifixion. The main piece of evidence that swayed my decision towards its authenticity was the accuracy of the wounds of the man pictured on the shroud to Jesus’ own wounds.Also, There was just no kind of art movement in history that would have reflected the style of the Shroud of Turin.One of the pieces of evidence that made me question the authenticity was the fact that the date when the cloth was manufactured hasn't actually been confirmed.Also, for me to completely believe it was real, I would need to know how the shroud ended up in Europe when there were very few trade routes between india and Europe.


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