Theasus and the minotaur By ali hammoodi

there was two kings called king angus of Athens and king Minos of Crete. King Minos had a minotaur. King Angus promised king Minos he will send him seven young men and seven young women to feed the minotaur.
One of them was theasus. He was determined to defeat the minotaur.
Theasus arrived to the labyrinth. He took a deep breath and took a string from Ariadne and stepped inside.
Theasus was running towards the endless darkness.
Theasus leaped and sticked his sword into the minotaur's neck. He has done it.
However on his way to home he made a terrible error that will change his life forever. He put the black sails that meant his father will jump in a river which is called agean sea.

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