My Life by John lopez


In the first picture I am with a couple of friends from high school and college at the Sun Bowl Game pre-gaming. My second picture has my nephews Ivan and Sebaz after basketball practice at Valley View M.S. My last picture is of me, my brother Goonie, and older brother Edrick.


Here in the larger photo is an extension of my family from Valley View M.S football coaching staff. The bottom left is a picture of our 8th grade boys dressing up as me and our staff for role model day. The last picture is me with my 8th grade girl soccer team celebrating a win at Eastwood M.S.


This is a picture of brother Edrick in 4th grade. My brothers are my inspiration in life and I always have looked up to them.

Here is a picture of my brother Edrick having some bonding time with his niece Athena and his daughter Mia outside the house.

Here is a picture of my youngest niece Athena showing me how she's going to hit the softball out the park when she gets older.

Here in this picture is of my other brother, Chris (Gonnie) in his Marine uniform. Very proud of him and honored to say he's my brother.

Here is a picture of my niece Athena from last Easter, with the Easter bunny, smiling and ready to go to grandmas for an Easter Egg hunt.

This a picture of my grandma Yolie Mata, who means a lot to me! She has been a blessing in my life and I love her dearly.

Here is a picture of my 2 nieces (Athena & Mia) outside in the backyard playing with their mini house and enjoying one another's company.

The End... On To Coaching

One of my basketball girls taking time to take a picture of my good side before practice is about to begin!

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