
Year 2 Autumn 1 - 2019

This term in English, we have been reading the story ‘The Flower’ by John Light. We have had a big focus on some of the interesting vocabulary in the story as well as the use of conjunctions such as ‘because’. We also had a focus on the use of questions and statements in some non fiction writing about how plants grow.
We practised asking each other questions, and replying using statements.
In maths, we have focussed predominantly on number work, particularly place value as well as addition and subtraction. We have used part/whole and bar models for addition and subtraction, before introducing number lines and the column methods.
Active maths is a regular part of our week.
In geography, we have looked at how we use maps, atlases and compasses to help us find our way around. We have created our own maps based around the school, and planned a route from school to Westport Lake.
Using compasses to find our way around.
Our art this term has seen us focus on the work of L.S. Lowry. We have looked at some of the work he painted and discussed the colours he used. From this we have used the 5 Lowry colours to mix together to create different colours and shades, in order to paint our own seascape picture.
Creating Lowry style pictures.
In computing, we’ve been learning about algorithms whilst using the Bee Bots.
Meanwhile is science, we’ve been learning all about habitats and looking at what living things can be found there.
What an exciting half term it’s been in Year 2!


Created with images by TeroVesalainen - "thought idea innovation" • Tim Arterbury - "When inspiration strikes"